
古宮 嘉那子 (Komiya Kanako)

研究院 工学研究院
部門 先端情報科学部門
研究分野 自然言語処理
キーワード 語義曖昧性解消、情報抽出、領域適応、転移学習
URL https://web.tuat.ac.jp/~komiya/main.html


?2009年04月~2010年03月:東京工業大学 精密工学研究所 博士研究員
?2010年04月~2014年03月:欧洲杯线上买球_欧洲杯足球网-投注|官网 工学研究院 先端情報科学部門 特任助教
?2014年04月~2021年03月:茨城大学 情報工学科 講師(専任)
?2018年05月~2019年04月:ケンブリッジ大学 客員研究員
?2021年04月~現在:欧洲杯线上买球_欧洲杯足球网-投注|官网 工学研究院 准教授


?2005年03月:欧洲杯线上买球_欧洲杯足球网-投注|官网 情報コミュニケーション工学科 卒業
?2006年03月:欧洲杯线上买球_欧洲杯足球网-投注|官网 情報コミュニケーション工学科 修士課程 修了
?2009年03月:欧洲杯线上买球_欧洲杯足球网-投注|官网 電子情報工学科 博士課程 修了


?2019年11月:佐々木稔, 古宮嘉那子, 単語区切りの違いによるQAサイトの質問回答ペアの分類,IDRユーザフォーラム 2019(*ヤフー賞受賞)
?2010年11月:Haruhiko Akiyama, Kanako Komiya, Yoshiyuki Kotani, Nested Monte-Carlo Search with AMAF Heuristic, 2010 International Conference on Technologies and Applications of Artificial Intelligence (TAAI 2010), pp. 172-176 (*Best Paper Award受賞)


?鈴木類, 古宮嘉那子, 浅原正幸, 佐々木稔, 新納浩幸, 概念辞書の類義語と分散表現を利用した教師なし all-words WSD, 自然言語処理, Vol.26, No.2, pp. 361-380, (2019.6).
?Kanako Komiya, Minoru Sasaki, Hiroyuki Shinnou, Manabu Okumura, Domain Adaptation using Word Embeddings for Word Sense Disambiguation, Journal of Natural Language Processing, Vol.25, No.4 pp.463-480,(2018.9).                  
?Kanako Komiya, Masaya Suzuki, Tomoya Iwakura, Minoru Sasaki, Hiroyuki Shinnou, Comparison of Methods to Annotate Named Entity Corpora, Transactions on Asian and Low-Resource Language Information Processing, ACM Transactions on Asian and Low-Resource Language Information Processing (TALLIP), Volume 17 Issue 4, Article No. 34,(2018.8).
?Kanako Komiya, Minoru Sasaki, Hiroyuki Shinnou, Yoshiyuki Kotani, Cross-lingual Product Recommendation System Using Collaborative Filtering, Journal of Natural Language Processing, Vol. 24, No. 4, pp. 579-596, (2017.9).
?Okumura Manabu, SHIRAI Kiyoaki, Komiya Kanako, YOKONO Hikaru, On Semeval-2010 Japanese WSD Task, Journal of Natural Language Processing, Vol.18, No.3, pp.293-307, (2011.6)



Natural language processing is the processing of languages such as English and Japanese using computers. This research area is included in research on artificial intelligence. We use machine learning, a technique where computers automatically find some rules from many examples. Our main tasks are word sense disambiguation, information extraction, sentiment analysis, recommendation systems, text classification, and so on.
In recent years, deep learning techniques have become the standard technique of artificial intelligence. In addition, we have researched Japanese natural language processing for many years, with a special focus on properties inherent in Japanese. For example, word boundaries in Japanese are unspecific because Japanese does not have word delimiters between words and Japanese has homonyms and heteronyms because Japanese use ideograms. Moreover, we research cross-lingual text processing using English, taking into consideration these Japanese properties.
In addition, we focus on research on domain adaptation and transfer learning, which are the techniques to improve system performance when there is data on a certain domain but there are many data on domains close to the domain. For example, we develop systems for blogs using newspapers and systems for old documents using contemporary documents.



This tenure track has some support systems, including start-up grant and mentor system, I think these support systems greatly help researchers.



I will do my best and enjoy my research.
