Graduate School of Bio-Applications and Systems Engineering Master Course, Doctoral Course, Integrated Doctoral Course, and Three-Year Doctoral Course

Information on the Graduate School of Bio-Applications and Systems Engineering master course, doctoral course, integrated doctoral course, and three-year doctoral course.

Important information(COVID-19)

Important Notice (Correspondence of Graduate School of Bio-Applications and Systems Engineering)

Message from the Dean

Seeking talented individuals with the
will to study life,
create new systems and
contribute to the construction of a safe and secure society

 Graduate School of Bio-Applications and Systems Engineering at TUAT was established in 1995, aiming to develop new research fields based on the combination of agriculture and engineering. The name of Graduate School of Bio-Applications and Systems Engineering referred to by the acronym BASE.

 Almost a quarter of a century has passed since the establishment of BASE. For this period, drastic changes have occurred on global scale in many fields such as in natural environment, economy, society and technology. Since most issues nowadays are more complexed and complicated with various aspects, a new human resource development is demanded to respond in variety of issues from wide perspectives. To overcome various difficulties in diverse fields and construct a safe and secure society, we need new wisdom in diverse scientific and technological fields, such as the environment, energy, food and health.

 The graduate school of BASE follows the foundational principle; “the study of life and the creation of new systems.” The school engages in developing innovations under the collaborations of agriculture, engineering and life science, and training individuals with competitive and practical abilities. For example, the following aspects have incorporated in our curricula; Lab-borderless education providing opportunities to learn from different research fields. Graduate students at Lab-rotation system can experience research works under several different professors. This educational system encourages the graduate students to understand various disciplines and to think outside the box. The graduate school of BASE provides high level of education and research with internationally active professors and well-structured environment to create new ideas. We are also proud of the diversity of the graduate students with various age range and nationalities, which consist of working adults and foreign students .

 In 2010, we established the Cooperative Major in Advanced Health Science (Doctoral Course) as a joint graduate school program with Waseda University. In 2015, the Department of Applied Biological Science was expanded and re-organized as the Department of Bio-Functions and Systems Science (Master’s Course and Doctoral Course) and the Department of Food and Energy Systems Science (Five-year Integrated Doctoral Course), bringing the school’s number of departments to three. The latter department is based on the concept of Leading Graduate School, which promotes a practical science program. We have also strengthened ties and cooperation with Sophia University (Jo-chi University) and International Christian University(ICU) to enhance our ability to communicate on a global level.

 In addition to supervising and providing research guidance of the professors, graduate school of BASE will foster human resources competent in wide range of fields through the studies and researches collaborating with students outside the laboratory, with overseas universities and with variety of people in the world. We expect that many students join our graduate school of BASE and make challenges toward progress of the global world.

Professor?AKISAWA Atsushi?
Dean of BASE(Graduate School of Bio-Applications and Systems Engineering)

Graduate School of Bio-Applications and Systems Engineering Overview

The Graduate School of Bio-Applications and Systems Engineering is an independent graduate school offering two-year master courses and three-year doctoral courses not based on undergraduate study programs. The school cultivates talented individuals who possess advanced expertise, specialized skills and a broad vision combining agriculture and engineering, as well as students and researchers able to conduct research activities independently.
Establishing the Cooperative Major in Advanced Health Science jointly with Waseda University in 2010, and the Department of Food and Energy Systems Science five-year integrated doctoral course in 2015, the school seeks to develop leaders with world-class research and development abilities as well as cross-disciplinary judgement capabilities based on diverse viewpoints.

Department of Bio-Functions and Systems Science Master Course and Doctoral Course

Information on the Department of Bio-Functions and Systems Science.

Department of Food and Energy Systems Science Five-Year Integrated Doctoral Course

Information on the Department of Food and Energy Systems Science.

Cooperative Major in Advanced Health Science Three-Year Doctoral Course

The Cooperative Major in Advanced Health Science is the first cooperative major in the nation operated jointly between a national university (TUAT) and a private university (Waseda University).

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