Characteristics of Learning in the Faculty of Engineering
Information on the characteristics of learning in the Faculty of Engineering.
Cultivating capable individuals who continue to stand at the cutting edge of science and technology to lead the day
Message from the Dean

TUAT was founded in 1874 as a sericulture testing center at the Naito-Shinjuku Branch Office of the Home Ministry's Industrial Encouragement Department. In 1949, the Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology and its Faculty of Textiles were established; in 1962, the Faculty of Textiles was renamed the Faculty of Engineering. Since that time, the Faculty of Engineering has produced individuals with knowledge, core and specialized expertise and technical skills in science and technology in the field of engineering that use their talents to realize a sustainable society.
The mission of the Faculty of Engineering is "to produce capable persons who change the world through science and technology" In order to change the world with science and technology, it is important to acquire your own specialized knowledge and always be interested in things other than your own specialty. In addition, it is impossible to solve complex social problems by oneself, and communication, understanding and cooperation are required. In order to learn these efficiently, the Faculty of Engineering has established an education system called "zelkova-type education." The Koganei Campus, where the Faculty of Engineering is located, has a wonderful row of zelkova trees. A zelkova tree has a thick, and its branches and leaves are widespread. Therefore, the education system is likened to the shape of a zelkova tree. The thick trunk of zelkova means each person's specialty, and the wide branches and leaves mean diversity. It is an educational system that can train researchers and engineers who have a high degree of specialized ability and can play an active role interdisciplinarily by looking at other fields without being limited to that specialty.
The Faculty of Engineering has organized a sophisticated technical education curriculum covering six departments. Since over 80 percent of our graduates go on to graduate school, the curriculum also takes into account the path to graduate education. We offer many practical classes that are not limited to classroom lectures, such as experimental training classes, laboratory experience training, internships at companies, overseas language training, and short-term study abroad. We also work with national universities in western Tokyo to increase opportunities for students to take a variety of specialized courses.
It is my desire to see our faculty members join together as one—supported by traditions and past achievements while responding flexibly to the hectic changes of the day—to ensure that as many students and alumni possess the will to change the world through science and technology, and ensure that as many people as possible beyond TUAT can see that the Faculty of Engineering is contributing to the sustainable development of society.
Nobuhumi Nakamura, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering
April 2019 Department of Engineering will Big change!

At Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology department of Engineering, in April 2019 the department was reorganized into six departments of
Department of Biotechnology and Life Science,
Department of Biomedical Engineering,
Department of Applied Chemistry,
Department of Applied Physics and Chemical Engineering,
Department of Mechanical Systems Engineering,
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.
Admission Policy
The education the Faculty of Engineering seeks to provide is the cultivation of creative students eager to study the truths of nature and with a keen interest in manufacturing and craftsmanship. It is our desire to draw students able to converse with people having a wide range of ideas and who possess the passion to throw themselves into their interests and lose all track of time. |
Purpose and Characteristics of Learning
The Faculty of Engineering provides an education in both the fundamentals and expert knowledge and techniques of science and technology in the field of engineering. The faculty aims to cultivate talented individuals who possess the extensive learning and specialized knowledge that fosters their abilities to perceive the true nature of problems needing to be solved, and are able to harness these abilities to realize a sustainable society.
Four-Year Curriculum
The faculty curriculum is divided into eleven courses based on the unique features of specific scientific fields. Each course is comprised of curriculums based on their goals and principles.
The subjects students will take during their four-year education in the faculty are divided into general studies classes and foundational and specialized education classes. The flexible curriculum allows students, for example, to engage in specialized studies in their first year and take common liberal arts subjects in their fourth year. The graduation thesis students must write in their fourth year helps them cultivate the abilities needed to independently and proactively establish a research plan and carry it out.