March 24th, 2023 Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology Graduation Ceremony Information

Information regarding the Graduation Ceremony of Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology on March 24, 2023.

【Important Notice】 (March 15, 2023 update)

We would like to inform you an important change in the method of holding the graduation ceremony (wearing of masks) on March 24, 2023.
In addition to attending graduate students/students completing courses, one parent/guardian per one graduate student will be allowed to come to the ceremony venue.
*Please note that participating parents/guardians or family members will be able to watch the live stream of the ceremony in the separate hall from “Dream Hall,” where the ceremony is held. Parents/Guardians or family members are not allowed to enter “Dream Hall.”

Wearing of masks by graduates, alumni, parents and family members is optional. (It is not mandatory to wear masks during the singing of university song as well.)

The ceremony will be live streamed online. As streaming will be open only to those related to the University, details will be announced through the Web Bulletin Board(※)at a later date.
(※) Web Bulletin Board
Fuchu Campus Web Bulletin Board:
Koganei Campus Web Bulletin Board:

In order to prevent the further spread of COVID-19, please note the following:

  • If any attending student, parent/guardian has a fever or feels unusual with poor physical conditions such as sore throat, cough etc., please refrain from attending the ceremony.
  • Be sure to use the hand sanitizer prepared at the entrance of the ceremony venue before entering the building.
  • We appreciate your cooperation in taking your body temperature at the entrance of the ceremony venue.
  • Wearing of masks by graduates students/students completing courses, parents/guardians and family members is optional. It is not mandatory to wear masks during the singing of university song as well.
  • Please refrain from gathering to eat or drink with others after the ceremony.
    We ask for your understanding that the above information is subject to change depending on the COVID-19 infection spread situation in the future. In that case, we will promptly inform you through the University website.


Friday, March 24th, 2023


Doors open: 9:30am
Ceremony starts: 10:30am
Ceremony ends: 12:10pm
※For those attending representative students who will be graduating/completing their courses, please gather at the appropriate time and place instructed by your affiliated faculty/department.

?Opening Address
?University Song 
?Diploma Awards Ceremony
?President’s Address
?Student’s Address
?Awards and Distinctions
?Music Performance

Invited Participants

Students graduating in March, 2023 from Faculty of Agriculture, Faculty of Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Graduate School of Agriculture, and Graduate School of Applied Biological Systems Engineering Representative students from United Graduate School of Agricultural Science

Ceremony Venue

Parents/Guardians are not allowed to enter “Dream Hall” where the ceremony will be held. Parents/Guardians will be able to watch the ceremony in a separate hall from the “Dream Hall” via live stream.

Attending students: “Dream Hall”
Parents/Guardians: (“Wien Hall”, “Furusato Hall”

Fuchu-no-Mori Arts Theaterl
(Address: 1-2 Sengencho Fuchu Tokyo 183-0001 / Telephone: 042-335-6211)


Approximately 7-minute walk from the North exit of Higashi-Fuchu Station, Keio Line.
※For more information on the venue, please click here (Site opens in new window)
※Due to the large number of attendees and limited parking facilities, please use public transportation as much as possible.


(Regarding ceremony) General Affairs Office (Tel: 042-367-5504)
(Regarding diploma ) Educational Affairs Office(Tel: 042-367-5537)
※Those needing special assistance, such as wheel chair access, please contact the General Affairs Office.
