Student Consultation

Information about student consultations and consultations with student support representatives.

Student Consultation

There are student consultation offices on both campuses where students and teachers can talk freely. You can discuss anything at these offices, including academics, careers, human relations and your life.
You can find teachers from each department in the offices, so feel free to ask simple questions about classes and the like. If necessary, we can also tell you about outside consultation organizations. Private matters that you bring up during consultation are naturally kept strictly confidential. The student consultation offices are here to help you lead a peaceful and secure campus life.

? Fuchu Campus Student Consultation Office Koganei Campus Student Consultation Office
Location Faculty of Agriculture Main Building 1F Administration Building 3F
Telephone number Extension 5606 Extension 7018
Hours Every Thursday from 12 to 1 p.m. 2nd and 4th Tuesdays and Fridays of each month, from 3 to 6p.m.
Counselors Faculty of Agriculture student support representatives and
class advisors
Faculty of Engineering student support representatives, etc.

Counselor schedules are posted on the bulletin board.
See the Student Support Representative page.

Counseling and Mental Health Care Consultation

The Health Service Centers offers counseling and mental health care consultation.
For details, visit the Health Service Center website (link opens a new window).

? Fuchu Campus Koganei Campus
Location Health Service Center Counseling Office Health Service Center (Administration Building 1F) Consultation Office
Days Monday to Friday

For times, please contact the Health Service Centers directly.
Monday to Friday

For times, please contact the Health Service Centers directly.
Counselors Tsutomu Kumazaki Mayuko Mabuchi
Namiko Egami Takayuki Tsuyuki
Tosaku Hayakawa
Tsutomu Kumazaki Mayuko Mabuchi
Namiko Egami Miyoko Tagi
Tosaku Hayakawa
Appointments and inquiries 042-367-5548 042-388-7171



The Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology defines harassment as “inappropriate speech or action that is motivated by discrimination or takes advantage of power in a relationship and results in disadvantage or damage, including mental and physical effects, relating to study, research, work or the like.” Harassment includes sexual, academic and racial harassment, as well as harassment related to alcohol, smoking, instant messaging and telephone communication.
To prevent and address damages caused by all forms of harassment that impair individual dignity and academic freedom, the university has established a Harassment Prevention and Countermeasure Committee and a Harassment Consultation Office as an intermediary agency for consultation and solving problems. The president appoints these specialized counselors after they complete special training.
The problem-solving methods used include cautioning and warning perpetrators, investigating the facts, arbitration between the parties involved (at the request of a counselor), and, upon deliberation, compulsory measures such as committee recommendations and sanctions. In all of these cases, counselors respect the will of the counselee and protect the counselee’s reputation and privacy. Counselees can withdraw their complaints at any stage. There are also cases that only involve consultation.

Harassment Consultation Window

The counselors, counseling days and locations are listed below.

Harassment Consultation Office
Fuchu Campus: Once a week, either Thursday or Friday, from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Koganei Campus: Once a week, either Wednesday or Friday, from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.

Consultation Office Locations Counselor
Chief Counselor (Health Service Centers) Tsutomu Kumazaki
Koganei Campus (Administration Building 3F) Miyoko Tagi
Koganei Campus (Administration Building 3F) Kota Nakamura
Fuchu Campus (Faculty of Agriculture Main Building 1F) Yukiko Nagata
Fuchu Campus (Faculty of Agriculture Main Building 1F) Takayuki Tsuyuki

Student Support Representatives

Information about student support representatives.

Faculty of Engineering Class Advisors

Information about Faculty of Engineering class advisors.
