Japan Student Services Organization(JASSO)Scholarships

【important】Student Emergency Aid for Continuance of Studies (Third-Round Application)


In order to support students experiencing economic hardship in their life due to reductions in household income or income from part-time work because of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) will provide those who face difficulties continuing their studies at their university or other educational institution with the Student Emergency Aid for Continuance of Studies.

Applications will be accepted via the university as below. We highly recommend students, who are facing difficulties continuing their studies at their university because of a decline in the income due to the impact of COVID-19, to apply for this financial aid.


1.?? Application deadline:

17:00 on Wednesday, March16, 2022

*Please be noted that applications must arrive at TUAT by the deadline above.?

2.?? Application details:

Please carefully read the following documents for details.

?TUAT Application Outlines

?MEXT Application Guide?

?Application Format (Please download from MEXT website below. *Click the "English Page (for Students)" button.)

?3.?? Inquiries

If you have any questions, please contact the following office:

e-mail: tuat-career-support [a]m2.tuat.ac.jp

*Please change [a] to @ when sending an email.

*Inquiries are only accepted by e-mail, not by telephone.

*Please title the email to be "(Your student ID number)_(Your name)_("Emergency Aid")".
