Graduate School of Agriculture and Faculty of Agriculture Research Students

The Graduate School of Agriculture and Faculty of Agriculture are seeking graduate and undergraduate research students. The conditions for becoming a research student with us are as follows:
Please note that admission requirements and application requirements vary depending on nationality and status of residence.

Admission Requirements

Japanese Citizens and International Students Enrolled in a Regular Course at the University

Undergraduate Research Students
Those who have graduated from a university with a degree or are found to have academic abilities at least equivalent to those of university graduates.
Graduate School Research Students
Those who have completed a master's course to earn a degree or are found to have academic abilities at least equivalent to those having earned a master's degree.
Note: For the Department of Veterinary Medicine, researchers will all be considered undergraduate research students regardless of whether they have a master's degree.

Foreigners with a Status of Residence in Japan (excluding international students enrolled in a regular course at TUAT and international MEXT scholarship students)

Researchers who meet all of the following requirements:

  1. Researchers who have a bachelor's or master's degree
  2. Researchers who can submit a letter of recommendation from a faculty advisor (or the like) at the university where they obtained their last degree
  3. Researchers who pass the interview conducted by the graduate school or faculty in February or August (a successful interview result is valid until the subsequent application deadline)

Foreigners Living outside Japan and International MEXT Scholarship Students

Please contact your prospective faculty advisor.

Application Deadline

Japanese Citizens and International Students Enrolled in a Regular Course at TUAT

As a rule, up to two months before the month in which you wish to start research.

Foreigners with a Status of Residence in Japan (excluding international students enrolled in a regular course at TUAT and international MEXT scholarship students)

The subsequent date specified by TUAT after a successful interview result.
The interview application deadlines are listed below. (Interview application materials are available from the appropriate offices.)
For those seeking admission in April, the deadline is around January 10 (please contact us to confirm the deadline, as it varies by year)
For those seeking admission in October, the deadline is around July 10 (please contact us to confirm the deadline, as it varies by year)

Foreigners Living outside Japan and International MEXT Scholarship Students

Please contact your prospective faculty advisor.
If you need to acquire a new status of residence, please contact us six months before your desired date of admission.

Research Period

Up to two years

Application Information


Before you complete the application procedure, you must consult with a faculty advisor to determine the research period, research topic and the like. You can use this link to search for faculty contact information.
Research students are not admitted in February or March.

Necessary Application Materials

As a rule, interview application materials and research student application materials are available from the appropriate offices. For details, please contact the Educational Affairs Section.

  • Research Student Admission Application Form (provided by the university)
  • Resume (provided by the university)
  • Certificate of graduation or course completion (or expected graduation or course completion) from your last school Note: Copies are not accepted.

Note: If you are of Chinese nationality, please also submit an original copy of your diploma.

  • Transcript from your last school Note: Copies are not accepted.
  • Health examination form (provided by the university) Note: The form must have been completed within the past six months.
  • Individuals who will become research students while still employed by a company (or the like) must submit a letter of consent from their supervisor and a pledge form (provided by the university) indicating their desire to receive guidance in individual research from a member of the teaching staff.
  • Foreign applicants must also submit documents certifying their ability to pay tuition, accommodation expenses and the like associated with enrollment; a certification of information recorded on foreign resident registration; and a letter of recommendation from their supervisor or a faculty advisor (or the like) from their former or current school. For details, please refer to the interview application materials and research student application materials.


An application must be accompanied by the examination fee payment at the time of submission. The admission fee and tuition must be paid by the completion of the admission procedure after a letter of acceptance has been received.

Note 1: Click here for the amounts of the examination fee, admission fee, and tuition.

Note 2: Click here for information about special benefits for graduates of the university (and those who have completed a graduate course at the university).

Contact Information

Graduate School of Agriculture and Faculty of Agriculture
Educational Affairs Section, Fuchu Student Support Office
Tel: 042-367-5659
